Episode Index


I wanted to create a page that has an index of spiritual practice and scripture reference for you. I hope this list is helpful for you. Just click on the episode you want to listen to.

And drop me a note if you are curious about a spiritual practice that I haven’t done yet or want to explore a specific scripture in lectio divina more. You can reach me at samantha@thepracticeofgod.com.

Episode     Practice                                                      Scripture

1                 Examen                                                       

2                 Lectio Divina                                             2 Cor 5

3                 Lectio Divina                                             Matt 2:9-12

4                 Lectio Divina                                             Psalm 84

5                 Lectio Divina                                             Jerimiah 29:11

6                 LD/Practice of Sorrow                             Psalm 42

7                 Lectio Divina                                             John 17

8                 Lectio Divina                                             Matt 5:38

9                 Lectio Divina                                             Eph 2:14

10               Lectio Divina                                             Isaiah 43

11               Centering Prayer                                       

12               LD/Practice of Sorrow                             Psalm 42

13               Family Practices                                         

14               LD/Strike the Rock                                  Exodus 17

15               Practice of Music                                       

16               Paschal Mystery/Name Your Deaths    John 12:23

17               Rule of Life                                                 

18               I Thirst For you                                         Mother Teresa (Not on website)

19               Testimony                                                  

20               Lectio Divina                                             Galatian 5:22


Episode 21 - Christian Toolbox


Episode 20 - What are you craving?