Episode 20 - What are you craving?


I’ve been thinking a lot about what we focus on. There seems to be a intense focus on our sin, the sinful nature, our flesh. We claim these qualities over ourselves quite a bit. If you are like you, maybe you grew in a faith community that so wanted to be righteous before God, that we thought if we tried to root out any sin in our lives that it would bring us closer to God. But the more you focus on something, the more you become it. As a popular speaker often says, you fall in love with what you focus on.

But I have been craving more, more than just eradicating the sinful parts of myself. I have been craving tenderness. Gentleness. Wholeness. Loveliness. You can’t get to one destination but only focusing on not going to a different one. Lift your eyes and and see this good father, and how he wants to give you good fruit. Fruit that will last.

In this episode, we soak in the juice of the fruits of the spirit. God wants to give you all these things. Are we willing to receive them?

Below is the print out of Galatian 5:22 for you to read along.

Much love,


Click on the picture to down load the graphic


Episode Index


Episode 19 - Testimony