Shove Tuesday and Pancakes

I can’t believe it’s already Lenten season again.  2020 seemed like it felt 20 years long.  But we were just here.  2020 had just started and we began a Lenten season.  I had my year’s new book and I was counting down days to Easter.  Easter is my favorite holiday.  My church hosts a big Easter event with sets and actors and all the kids walk through it and have 20 minutes where they get to experience Easter.  They get to meet Jesus, Mary, Barabbas.  It’s magical.  We were on the countdown to Easter when everything changed. 


Maybe you had things you were looking forward to, counting down to.  And it all came to a screeching halt.  And we lamented and we wailed.  And now it’s 2021 and we are entering Lent again.  As if last year it never ended. 

Lent is a season of waiting and death.  We are waiting 40 days for the death of Jesus.  Everything about this season leads us first to death.  In Ronald Rolheiser book The Holy Longing: The Search for a Christian Spirituality he talks about this cycle.   Death.  Resurrection. Waiting. Letting go. Receiving a new spirit.  This whole year feels like we got stuck in death.  We are now needing the rest of the cycle.  Craving it, our spirits are crying out for it. 

Though the years I have read different books, practiced this season differently.  I wanted to share some resourced from years past and then share what I want to do this season. 

Bread and Wine – Readings for Lent

I love this anthology.  From Phillip Yancey to Henri Nouwen, each day is a reading from a different author.  It’s a perfect companion to the season.

Lent with St. Francis by Diane M Houdek

Last year I was a little obsessed with all things St. Francis of Assisi.  I was even wanting to make a trip to Assisi.  This is a sweet little book with a scripture and then a reflection for each day. 

Eastertide by Phillis Tickle

This was the year I decided I wanted to pray the office.  This is praying 7 times a day.  Honestly, I wasn’t huge on prayer before this.  So it was like a non-swimmer that decided to try and make it across the English Channel.  I will say that I did pray more than I had before.  And it changed me. 

The Everyday Catholic’s Guide to The Liturgy of the Hours by Daria Scokey

Probably the same year, this is a helpful guide to praying the hours.  It’s helpful and give history and relevance to the practice. 

40 Days of Decrease by Alicia Britt Chole

I loved this book.  This took the idea of sacrificing something for Lent and made it daily.  But instead of chocolate or coffee it was a call to give up deeper.  Give up trying to collect praise.  Or your voice and sitting in silence.  They are a call to a deeper part of our heart. 

This Year…

The Lenten Tree by Dean Meador Smith

I haven’t fully read this one.  It is designed for children and families.  It was one of my contenders for our group to follow this year.  There is a lot I find very interesting about this book.  Each day has a symbol associated it with.  It also has a section for the kids and the adults in each day’s devotional. 

The Wonder of Easter by Ed Drew

This is the book that I will be going through with my children and with our group in The Family Practice Room.  I really like how it has a focus for each age group, so it is easily accessible to everyone in the family.  I also like the calendar, without a devo for each day of the week in case you fall a little behind.  I am sure I’ll be able to share more when we are done.  But for now, looking forward to this book this year. 

We will be using this book in our Facebook Family Practice of Lent group.  Click the link to join our group.  All are welcome.  I’ll be posting videos and suggestions through this season for you all. 

Whatever you decide to do, find a way to make this season a time to connect deeper with God.  He is traveling this road with you.  He is with you now.  Can you feel him?




The Valley of Transition