Episode 12 - The Practice of Sorrow Pt 2


In this episode we revisit the idea of the practice of sorrow. We are returning to Psalm 42, but now in a whole new interpretation. This episode is born from a season of transition that I am in. As one chapter in my life is closing, and I am confident that God will lead me into the next, I am currently in the valley of transition. It can be a lonely and dimly lit season, where I feel raw and sad and too sensitive at times. Going back to Psalm 42 is like the Balm of Gilead for my soul, where I just want to feel the comfort of the great comforter. His words speak deep into me. I pray this find you the same way.

Here is the text of the reading:

You are my heart’s desire from first to last

Like as the hart desires the water brooks

So longs my soul toward you.  So I thirst


For living streams, not for the dusty books

They write about you, not he empty words

That ring from pulpits, nor the haughty looks


Of those who market you.  These are the shards

Of broken idols.  I long for the deep

In you that calls the deep in me, the chords


That sound those depths and summon me to weep

At first with tears of grief and then with tears

Of joy, that I may how those tears and reap


A timeless harvest, that the ripened ears

Of grain may shine as clean and clear as gold

Shucked of the husk of all my wasted years.

(From David’s Crown by Malcolm Guite available on Amazon)


Episode 13 - The Family Practice Room


Episode 11 - Centering Prayer Part 1